Learning &
Needs Analysis | Training Program Design, Development & Implementation | Knowledge Transfer
Learning & Development activities enhance the knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs) and competencies of the workforce in order to meet your organization’s business needs.
SpruceHR can support your learning and development needs throughout the employee life cycle. Below are examples of how we have approached some of our projects:
Needs Assessment
Determine needs analysis types (person, organizational, training, cost-benefit) and techniques. (surveys, observations, interviews)
Organizational Analysis (performance)
Critical gaps in competencies:
Design and administer strategy to collect data
Analyze and interpret data
Provide guidance on how to identify and develop
Administer Developmental Assessments (e.g., 360 review)
Training Program Design, Develop & Implementation
Consider all available resources (e.g., vendors, SME) to develop and deliver effective learning and development programs
Design and implement learning and development activities
Training programs, coaching and mentoring programs, developmental assignments
Create individual development plans (IDPs) in collaboration with supervisors and employees
Design, develop, and implement learning and development activities that close gaps in employees’ competencies and skills
Create long-term organizational strategies to develop talent
Provide guidance implementing a career mapping and pathing program
Evaluate effectiveness of learning (We use the Kirkpatrick Model)
Knowledge Transfer and Storage
Create internal social networks to facilitate knowledge-sharing among employees
Administer and support programs to promote knowledge transfer (mentoring, shadowing, community of practice, surveys, internship program, onboarding, exit interviews)
Create strategies to ensure the retention of organizational knowledge
Examples of learning programs we’ve designed and implemented with our clients:
Setting Goals and Objectives Training, Developing and Sustaining Employee Engagement, Coaching to Peak Performance, Performance Appraisal Training, Employee Use of Social Media, The Business Case for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB), Delegating Authority, Making Telecommuting Work: Training for Supervisors, Alternative Work Schedules, Interview Training, Basic Effective Interviews, Workplace Violence for Supervisors, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors, DISC, StrengthsFinder 2.0, Time Management, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Training, Privacy Issues in the Workplace, Succession Planning
“An organization’s ability to LEARN, and translate that learning into ACTION rapidly is the ultimate COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE.”
-Jack Welch, former General Electric CEO